Czech Literature in Translation
Fiction and poetry by Karel Čapek, Vladimír Páral, Jaroslav Seifert, Jáchym Topol,
Daniela Fischerová, and Alexandr Kliment.

Humor for Grownups
Jeffrey Shaffer's humor collections, Humor for and about Lawyers, the Humorists' Guides Series, and Literary Parodies.

American Fiction
Novels by Floyd Kemske, David R. Slavitt, and Robert Wechsler

A Miscellany
Books that do not fit into our specialty areas are:
Two books, one of poetry, one of prose, by the Argentinian writer Saúl Yurkievich;
An overview of the art of literary translation, Performing Without a Stage;
And a humorous contemporary German novel, Diplomatic Pursuits.

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