Robert Wechsler

PERFORMING WITHOUT A STAGE: The Art of Literary Translation. The first overview of this important, exciting, yet most invisible of performing arts, which gives us access to the world's literature. The book deals with such matters as the history of literary translation, the publishing, reviewing, and teaching of literary translations, the literary translator's nearly nonexistent public image, the literary translator's fidelity to the author, and the value for writers and scholars of studying and practicing literary translation.

320 pp., ISBN 0-945774-38-9. Only available as an e-book, including as a free e-book from Catbird Press.

Translation of LIVING PARALLEL by Alexandr Kliment. A beautiful, reflective Czech novel about an unusual love triangle: man, woman, Czech countryside.

$21 cloth, 240 pp., ISBN 0-945774-51-6.
Also available as a free e-book from Catbird Press.
THE HUMORISTS' GUIDES. Edited by Robert Wechsler. These three volumes collect stories, memoirs, character sketches, descriptions, light verse, and cartoons that will amuse anyone who travels. From irony to nonsense and back again, you will find in these volumes all the absurdities and delights of travel. You'll also find Mark Twain, Robert Benchley, James Thurber, Emily Kimbrough, Al Hirschfeld, and dozens more humorists and cartoonists.

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SAVOIR RIRE: The Humorists' Guide to FRANCE
HERE WE ARE: The Humorists' Guide to the UNITED STATES

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